Sandy Hillman

Sandy Hillman has been an active member of the Maryland communications and civic community for over four decades. She has been recognized by her peers on myriad occasions and in 2023 was named CEO of the Year by the Baltimore Business Journal.

Sandy has served as a strategic advisor to a number of national and state elected officials, including Senators, Governors, and Mayors. Her broad portfolio has earned her recognition as an expert in varied industry sectors including tourism and destination marketing, food and beverage, health care and urban policy.

Over the course of her career, Sandy has overseen strategic communications for a number of disruptive, pioneering brands, among them Caesar’s Entertainment; World Series of Poker; OSI Bloomin’ Brands; Minute Clinic; and Erickson Senior Living. Beyond her corporate work, she has served as a consultant to more than two dozen cities and countries, both domestic and international. Her leadership and the accomplishments of her team have resulted in numerous industry awards, including more than a dozen Best in Shows.

Sandy currently sits on the boards of the Living Classrooms Foundation, The Greater Baltimore Committee, the Schaefer Center for Public Policy, University of Baltimore, as well as The McCourtney Center for Democracy at Penn State.